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The difference between white ants and Termites and how you know you have them

Termite vs White Ants

White Ants VS Termites

It's time to put the questions to bed and clear up the misconceptions… White Ants are Termites.

These are just two names for the same ugly beastie. A rose by any other name would smell

There are multitudes of termite species throughout Australia; some are introduced and some are native. But all are unwanted in your home. Understanding the difference between termites and other insects is crucial

White Ants (a.k.a Termites) look different from and in several ways. The first is in their name: White Ants are lighter in colour than most ant species. However, don’t be fooled - termites can range in colour from pure white through to a light chocolate brown. If you can’t tell from colour alone then another great indicator is the shape of the insect.

Ants have 3 segments in their body, and a clearly defined ‘waist’. Termites do not have this. They have no discernable waist - making their bodies look longer, and more tube-like than regular ants. If you have any doubts then the smart thing to do is always call a professional. It is always better to catch white ants early - every professional will agree. Hundreds of Brisbane homes have been decimated by these little blighters.


How To Know If You Have Them

Depending on the type of termites that are in your home there are several signs to look out for. In Brisbane there are two types of White Ant that are common: Drywood termites, and Subterranean Termites.

Drywood Termites leave very subtle signs of their habitation. Drywood termites will push frass out of their nest, which can often collect in piles around window sills or skirting boards.

Frass is exactly what you think it is, but before you get squeamish remember - if you’ve found frass in your house it is the least of your concerns.

More common, and unfortunately more stealthy than Drywood Termites, are Subterranean Termites. Subterranean Termites are probably the termites that you are most familiar with. These nasty blighters don’t leave their frass lying around…. They use it to build tunnels to and from food sources, creating those signature mounds and tracks.

Subterranean termites are a little more sneaky than their drywood cousins.

In some instances you may be even able to hear the termites going about their business. If you put your ear to an infested wall you might be able to hear the termites chewing. Soldier termites will bang their heads against walls to ward of invaders and you might hear this as well! It is a faint clicking that comes from the walls.

Other signs that you may have a termite infestation are actually seeing the termites. This could be in the form of winged termites (Or even their discarded wings laying around) or the worker termites.

It is incredibly important to remember, as we said above, there is no such thing as a white ant - That is a termite!! If you see a ‘white ant’ speak to a professional immediately.


What To Do If You Think You Have Termites

It can be incredibly difficult to tell without proper experience whether you have termites or not, the best thing you can do is contact Craig Rynne Construction and arrange a free safety inspection.

After your safety inspection with Craig Rynne Construction, if there are areas that need to be addressed you will need to discuss with our building and repair specialist what sorts of repairs you wish to have completed, the timeline, and ‘where to from here’.

Craig Rynne Construction have extensive experience repairing termite damage. We are proud of our reputation for completing our building projects on budget and on time.

It is important to have a professional check your property every 12 months, and every 6 months if you live in high-risk area.

If it has been longer than 12 months since your last termite then a free safety inspection with Craig Rynne Construction is an excellent way to step back into the this cycle.

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